Sunday School
9:30 - 10:15 am

Worship Service
10:30 - 11:45 am

Church Address

319 S. 4th

Lincoln, KS 67455


Phone: (785)422-6464

AWANA- at the Christian Community Center
6:30 - 7:30 pm





Leviticus 11:19 ESV

“…and the bat.”

What a difference a year makes. I was preaching through Leviticus just last year and didn’t feel compelled to mention these small words. This year I am reading through Leviticus giving early this morning and it is an overwhelming reality, weighted with sorrow, fuming with frustration, and spinning with my eyes as the give a brief eye roll to the irony of the cause of our situation. A small insignificant act, done daily for the past millennia in China has led to a world a blaze in fear. As entertainment venues have persistently shut down, I, like most, have found myself watching more documentaries than normal. One of these noted the social upheaval that followed two thirds of Chinese and half of Europe dying in the plague. Yes, there is a reason it is called THE plague. The social changes that developed because of such apocalyptic loss were drastic and are still felt today.

Pausing to digest that knowledge, I began dwelling on all I have heard from other sources about the intent of governments and individuals to use this as a means to engineer their own social changes. I have seen the posts railing against the Wisconsin Supreme Court for their ruling, not because it was legally unsound but simply the individual felt they court had the right to do what it wished and should have chosen differently. Quite simply the person reposted without bothering to look into the primary sources. We see this from the perspective of how many have simply chosen not to read the Governor’s order but simply take the word of whichever news outlet they currently are listening to.

Peter saw the sheet come down, the first Jerusalem Council understood that Gentiles don’t have to become Jewish and can eat what they wish. Bat and pig are both open to us, which I praise God for. As we watch this world’s upheaval, we must not become punch drunk taking whatever comes because a politician or “expert” has said so. Christians are people of the book, a primary document, we study it, memorize it, and meditate upon it, WE quite frankly THINK. “The pastor said so” is not enough for heaven or for love of neighbor. For all I don’t care for some of our Governor’s policies I love the wording of the exemption she put in for gun owners and religious services under the section labeled “Preserve Constitutional or Legal Rights”.

We do not have the rights by the jurisdiction of the state. We “are endowed by our creator” with the right to meet together. For all that I believe meeting in mass is not a loving act at this moment, I completely support those institutions as having the right to do so, not because the governor says they can or even the federal government saying the can, but because God has given this right to those assemblies. At times, through out our nations history, we have CHOSEN to lay our rights down for the love of our neighbor, it is ours to lay down, and ours to pick back up when we see it as needed.

If we are to keep this great REPUBLIC we have, we must make better arguments, neither trying to win them by social force nor by bowing to peer or corporal pressure when it is thrust upon us. If we are to keep our heads in this revolution then we must keep our heads.

Deo Volente

And I will perpetually lay down my right to eat bat, even as I hold to my right for pulled pork!


Straightened Nails

Proverbs 19:21 ESV

Many are the plans in the mind of a man,

But it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand.

For a decade all has been go, go, go. To the point that families don’t take meals together, Sunday’s have had to make way for sporting activities, and family units have disintegrated under the pressure. Know the schedule is cleared. Boredom has set in, yet I have even read of the societal benefits associated with the creativity that comes from boredom! The Meme’s are prevalent about what has happened now that parents are having to take a more active role in the education of their children. One of the spring projects we started was to redo the kitchen. Through this I have been continually bombarded with “blasts from the past” as it were.

As I am removing old paneling and woodwork, I also take time to remove the nails so that I can reuse the wood as I might have need, and for general safety. I was reminded of when my Grandad Wertz died. He had been in the nursing home for a decade, since his stoke, but after his passing grandma finally elected to disperse the contents of his shop. His shop had been a constant land of wonder and enjoyment. From fishing gear to tools thirty years obsolete I was always fascinated by what I found. One thing our family received was his jars. He had nailed the lids to the bottom of a shelf and put nuts, bolts, screws, and nails in them and then would screw them in so that the jar would hang from the shelf and the contents were visible. As I am pulling nails, I remember my grandfather’s jars because one of those jars was nails that had been straightened. As I collect and through nails in the trash, I gradually start to save the straighter ones. My grandfather was born in 1905. Having raised his first family through the depression he was well acquainted with make the most out of everything and nails were no different. As I listen to more and more people talk about the economic impact of the latest test to our nation, I start to think that learning something from my grandfather would be a good idea.

As continue to work on the kitchen it has become time to start the process of removing some of the lower cabinets. Only one will I save and refinish, but as I pull it out of its place, I find my self captured, transported through time and space to when my parents were redoing our kitchen. I, without warning, am looking over a baby gate. The one everyone knows, wood, pressure latched against the wall, plastic net in between, watching as my father, then in his mid-thirties, is tearing plaster off walls, and removing old worn out linoleum floor. That floor is what I find hidden under the Kitchen cabinets I am removing. I am looking down at the faux tile pattern of golds and browns, with flourished embellishments. How many hours did I star “bored” at the pattern as a child? Always trying to fix up that old Victorian house my parents would redo one room after another, planning all the while for a time when they would have a home in the country.

The plans that we make are quickly laid aside when providence sets in. Our nation was saved by providence. The United States was created and formed under the trials and bereavements of life. Notice it was in the New England winters that forged a people of Character and ability. It was not in the tropical temperatures of the gulf, nor the rich history of Mexico, that a people of ability and fortitude found root. Let us rejoice that our plans have been shaken and blown like chaff. It is God’s purpose to burn the chaff of our nations heart. If it takes tell June to accomplish the forging of a people united in trial and hardship to save us from the luxuries that strangle us let God be blessed to do so, and let us his people rejoice in his care for us! Let us learn the lessons of history, the lessons our fathers and grandfathers have learned, that our plans are to be held lightly, and God’s ends are to be rejoiced in. Let us rejoice with our father in heaven!

Deo Volente


Faithful Wounds

Proverbs 27:6 ESV

Faithful are the wounds of a friend; profuse are the kisses of an enemy.

Once again it had happened. His children had chosen to prank their sitter and then ran off. After finding them and, through miraculous means, find another sitter both parents begin life as usual. Yet, the day at work goes poorly, followed by a sense of disruption at home. Then comes the pivotal moment on a “take your children to work day” when he loses his job, and with it his self-respect. In the course of time it becomes evident it was all masterminded by the “sitter” he had found. The chaotic home and loss of job all brought about by the infamous, Mary Poppins!

While under quarantine many, including our family, have been watching more TV and movies. While my children watched, this thought began to mull in my mind; “Is Mary Poppins Evil?” or at most “Why do non accuse her of such?” Even with all that she does to Mr. Banks, through her conniving and manipulation, none seem to attribute evil to her, why? It is quite simply, you may say, she has his best in mind. He was losing his children, and even the lose of his job, and peace in his home, were only incidental and short compared to that which was gained, and he gained even more in the end anyway. To this I would agree with you and yet, this is not the standard used of God by our culture.

As we look at the “evils” that befall us in this momentary life, many use them to decry and assault God’s, Goodness, Omniscience, Sovereignty, and Power. Even as he plainly tells us he has our best in mind and plainly tells us what great and wonderful things he has in store for those who love him. So great and so good that we can’t even imagine them, we are told. Yet, this does not seem to avail the constant criticism of him. Our world prefers “the kisses of an enemy” to the faithful “wounds of a friend.” In the end this is what we see in the Proverb. God, our friend, faithfully loving us and wounding/chastising us as needed. WE also see the kisses of Judas coming, offering peace with this world, economic prosperity assured by the government. Let us avoid wisdom and sound business practices. Forget the ups and downs and throw caution to the wind, knowing that our Uncle Sam will save us and assure us of no need to save for the rainy day. Let us all live in Southern California. Yet, even Albert Hammond will tell you that it pours, even in Southern California!

“Thus, if we may judge by the event, not only do believers, come off safe, from every contest, so as to be ready, after a short repose, to descend again into the arena,…” (John Calvin, Institutes 3.2.21) As we look at unsure days ahead let us not forget that Christ is the friend of the believer and has given us faithful wounds for the time, that we might descend once again into the arena.

I have heard of couples choosing to delay weddings due to the current mandates against large gatherings. Quoting the lose of the “specialness” of the situation without the crowd and the fear of infecting the elder persons who wish to be present. Even as I see this I note that others are choosing to go online with “worship live” Sunday morning events. I see this situation and I do believe we have them backwards. Paul tells us if we can not marry, we should do so, but we are given leave if we burn with passion, as a means to avoid SIN. Christian weddings are not to PRIMARILY be about gathering and celebrating or making fun memories, they are to be about AVOIDING SIN. As such you should marry with few present and enjoy the blessing of building a wall against sin in your lives, if your don’t’ need said wall then you shouldn’t be marrying in the 1st place.

Then I come to the church. What is a church? Believers met together under the preaching of God’s word. The word we translate as church, ecclesia, means assembly, quite simply you CAN’T do church online, you are not assembled together, by definition you(singular) are not a church.

There is much that must be done, in avoiding sin. As we shore up false doctrine, and practice the mortification of sin in our daily lives. A Pastor publishing his sermon or providing devotional content to help believers grow as they are absent from the assembly may be the prudent and wise direction for the elders to take, but let us not deceive ourselves into believing that a group of people tuning in online is church. That is giving straw to animals instead of hay. It may fill their stomachs, but it will not nourish. So too, “church” practiced online, may stop the hunger pains, but it will not provide what is necessary for the flourishing of the Christian walk.

Given all that is being said and debated at the moment. I do not know what precise direction we will take going forward. From all appearance we are headed for a longer than desired absence from the assembly. Please pray for the Elders as we gather together this coming Sunday to determine what direction is needed to continue to nourish and nurture the growth of Christ in those believers under our care.

Deo Volente


A Raised Bar

Hebrews 10:24, 25 ESV

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

There is a point in one of my favorite movies, What the Deaf Man Heard, where a young pastor is in the midst of a mass of people. Due to a series of events the people have gathered for a purpose. The young preacher sees the masses, knows he should stand and start preaching, but he is at a loss for what to do, or how to say it. Isn’t that the nature of life sometimes. As we find ourselves in situations where we know we should do something, but are unsure of what we should do, or maybe how we should do it, and therefore we do nothing. Inadvertently joining the fence sitters and those who are pushed to and fro by every wind of change. As our communities’ battle with fear and death our churches are told to disassemble.

Another family favorite movie, Operation Petticoat, has Tony Curtis make the statement that “In Chaos, there is opportunity.” The church of Christ has responded always to the perils and death throws of this age by running in and saving those who are perishing. By providing health care, food, prayers, and even to simply sit with the dying. What can we do as the light of God in the darkness? As fear and death seem to be winning the day, how does the church of Christ, who has conquered fear and death respond?

Prayer must be our first step. As some are trained and allowed in to minister and bless we must pray for them. Their courage, strength, ability, and voice. Christian healthcare workers are still working and at the bedside when many unsaved persons cross from life to death and they need prayers that they might speak of Christ and him crucified at this critical moment.

As isolation starts to take hold of those most in need of community. The church must work in a myriad of ways to call and talk with those bound to hospitals and nursing homes. Writing letters to our friends and mailing them as days turn to weeks and weeks turn to months allows for opportunities to flourish that have withered in our quest for the immediate, everyone enjoys getting personal letters.

We are commanded to “stir up one another to love and good works,” this is the mandate that we have been given. As challenges arise that hinder us from our previous ways of accomplishing this, we must be in search of new ways to meet changing times and changing opportunities. Your abilities and your neighbors, dictate how you can accomplish this task. Getting groceries, calling, sending letters, texting, emailing, let us not waste the time we have been given filling our time with narcissistic entertainment but loving our neighbor. Let us also seek ways to stir our brothers and sisters in Christ to dig deeper into his word, to study His story more thoroughly, and to pray more fervently.

It is no coincident that this command is followed by the command to gather together. Yet, it is actually a command to “not forsake”. When the church is able to meet, we should seek it out as Paul did in Rome, if it is not available, we should pray for it to gather once again, and that we may be blessed to join it. Gathering together in prayer and praise, hearing and reading, preaching and teaching, truly is the greatest and easiest way to fulfill the commandment “to stir up” but it is not the only way. Let us find, as always, when God has sovereignly challenged his church and allowed hardship and trial to enter in, it is stronger and more vibrant than when it was resting with the “Cows of Bashan”. The Bar has been raised, let us exert ourselves with renewed vigor.




Genesis 45:2 ESV

And he wept aloud, so that the Egyptians heard it, and the household of Pharaoh heard it.

It seems tragedy is woven into the fabric of our existence. As men and women of noble or low birth die every week in tragic and unexpected ways. I can say it seems that way simply because we know different. Tragedy is tear in the fabric. All of mankind knows that something is wrong when it comes back into view. When the string is pulled and comes loose once more tragedy is closer than is we like. Our hearts and our souls cry out to God and our bodies must soon conform to the reality of our life. Passages created simply to cleanse and hydrate the eye for some reason respond with fountains instead of mere drips. Our hearts break and with the help of the good physician heal overtime. Always bearing the marks and scars of countless little and massive losses.

As we make our yearly march through the word of God, we come time and again to this reality of life. God is not shy in revealing it to us. He does not shield his sons from sorrow. Coming to this particular text this time I was overwhelmed more by it than previously. Joseph is one of the greatest men in the book of Genesis. He doesn’t lie about his wife being his sister, he doesn’t covet his brothers position, he resists being seduced, he doesn’t give into despair while being forgotten in prison, and in the end he recognizes that both God was responsible for the wrongs he had endured and that God made the right decision (it was worth it). (Genesis 45:7 ESV) This revelation of God’s sovereignty in good times and bad is one hard for most of us to accept, but it is paramount to your faith to both accept it and rejoice in it.

Joseph has been working in Egypt for thirteen years. He has worked faithfully in Potiphar’s house and in the prison. Reading this passage, we are overwhelmed with him and his situation. We come to the fullness of the story in the reunion with his brothers. One point is brought full circle to me. The leader of Egypt is a crybaby. Here we have the leader of the wealthiest kingdom on earth and he is crying at the drop of a hat, it seems. As we look at Joseph, we see a man who loves his brothers. Even when the last thing he remembers is them laughing and selling him into slavery. A man who weeps over those who have wronged him so deeply, and yet forgives when repentance is shown. In Joseph we see some of the shadow of who our savior is and his heart for us.

The Man of Sorrows, Isaiah 53:3, was sent to be our savior. Like Joseph he was to save us, rejected by us, and yet forgiving us. Growing in love and affection as time transpires. As you look to Joseph and admire him for all he did, and you are right, we must recognize that in the story of Joseph and his brothers we are the brothers not the savior of the story. In our hearts is treachery, in our mouths are lies. Yet, in Jesus, we have a better savior than Jacob’s son. For they would be forgiven and filled only to hunger again. Our savior gives life eternal. Joseph’s love and longing for his brothers grew over the twenty-two years he was absent from them. All of the crying God records is that of a full-grown man. He cries for and longs for his brother after they have wronged him. His love for his family had grown in his absence. Such is the love of Christ. As he is absent from those he loves, recognizing the value and necessity of the Spirits ministry we must remember that such an advocate is seated at the right hand of God interceding for us. Even as Christ calls his treacherous disciples back to him, when he comes from the grave, he comes loving those who had betrayed him, and ran in cowardice. Let us rejoice in the heart of our Savior for his people. Because he longs for us more than we do for him.

“Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus! (Revelation 22:20)