Only God
Nehemiah 6:16 ESV
“And when all our enemies heard of it, all the nations around us were afraid and fell greatly in their own esteem, for they perceived that this work had been accomplished with the help of our God.”
As I was driving to and from Emporia yesterday, I was given a significant portion of time to think. With a back seat alternating between yelling, giggling, laughter, and sleeping (afternoon nap) my contemplations turned to education and the raising of children. We had just left a woman crying. She had chosen to agree with the state that she was not a good mom and would not be able to be one for her kids. She kissed them and hugged them one last time, with no hope of seeing them again. Then she turned to us and thanked us for loving her kids and, with tears streaming down her face, how she was confident that with our “teachings” they would grow into smart loving children. With tears still streaming down her face she turned and went inside to get her things and we drove off.
Thinking of what I am teaching the children she brought into this world, and what, Lord willing, I will teach them in the future dominated much of my thoughts on the return home. As all my children transition from children to adults, what challenges do they need to be equipped to meet? Even as an Engineer I must admit that our countries current infatuation with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) is unhealthy and has led to a resurgent socialist communism and a generation without the ability to withstand it. Thinking back to my education of Animal Farm, 1984, Brave New World, and The Giver, as well as History I must wonder if we are teaching children to make things without giving them the wisdom to discern if they should make them, and if they should use them.
Then, this morning, in walks the Holy Spirit bringing light and conviction of sin in his wake. It is easy to point to education as the reason for our need to “Make America Great Again” but it is every bit as flawed as saying that capitalistic and economic policies will be needed to “Make America Great Again”. If we wish to be Great, again or for the first time, in what should we hope? Neither STEM, Social Sciences, or Literature, will be able to deliver the hope we need. The Catechism answers it rightly that “our only hope, in life and death, is that we are not our own but belong body and soul, both in life and death, to God and to our savior Jesus Christ”. As Chinese Christians meet in a park after their church has been overrun by communist police, Elders and Pastors imprisoned, as well as numerous members, the remnant meet together and recite this question and truth, reminding themselves of what reality is.
It was not Education, nor was it economics, that made America exceptional, it was the hand of God himself. The founders attempted something that only God could accomplish and only God could sustain. Nehemiah, similarly, set himself to attempt something that only God could accomplish. God entered into the moment and provided the wisdom, courage, ability, and providence necessary to build a wall in a mere 52 days. A feat that required everyone watching to admit that God had to be with them. The raising of Godly children is like this, is it not? You can read all the right books, do the right sports, teach the right catechism and in the end, God is required and when it is done, we can lie to ourselves and say look what I have done or acknowledge that God has been gracious. Yes, we work night and day, and carry our sword but we know the task is too great, only God could have done this. Weather it be countries, children, or simply the sermon on Sunday, the hard work of prayer, to the God Most High, is necessary to accomplish this. Will you fall on your knees in prayer and fight as an army together, or persist to attempt to fight a war alone?
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