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9:30 - 10:15 am

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Acts 12:3 ESV

And when he saw that it pleased the Jews, he proceeded to arrest Peter also. This was during the days of Unleavened Bread.

Herod was flourishing. He had inherited a restless and rebellious people. He was their king but they had an independent streak a mile wide running down their back. Being a staunchly religious nation concerned with the slightest fault and willing to riot at the smallest provocation they had earned themselves a hated name in the Empire. Yet Herod was doing well, we read after this episode he was able to bring the Tyrians and the Sidonians to heal. Yet in Judea, with its “stiff-necked people” he was using a different tact.

The question that had plagued many rulers of the Jews, how do you placate such a people? He simply wants to be rich and powerful but he has to keep the peace to make that happen. He then stumbles across something that both gets rid of an annoyance for him and greatly pleases the rich, powerful, and vocal majority of his subjects, the execution of James. Seeing all the benefits that came from this act he chooses to do what everyone would do under the watchful gaze of a micromanager that has been pleased, attempt to do it again. So, he arrests Peter with the intent of executing him as well to allow himself greater freedom of action.

Into this “win-win” scenario enters a very unexpected catastrophe. As Tolkien would put it a eucatastrophe (from our perspective). God’s people prayed. They prayed fervently and specifically. The missionary team from Antioch was still present, with their gift to help alleviate the trials of the famine, and they prayed. They did not pray for what they Got, or they prayed while doubting, remember the servant girl and all those present assumed Peter to be a ghost when he knocked. Yet, God entered into the situation and denied Herod the second measure of his plan to appease the Jewish leadership, and solidify his place. Peter was saved, James was not. Herod continued for a short time, and was destroyed. Such are the prayers of God’s people and the will of the Almighty.

Looking at the state of our politicians today I fear for them and for us. As we are a staunchly independent people, religious, and watchful. With no hope or trust in them or their ability, I wonder what struggles they must endure under the watchful eye of a micromanaging public. It is hard to thrive in such an employment environment. It could be their constituency or their lobbyist, both are equally watchful looking for weakness and failure to pounce upon. I fear for our politicians when they find the James they can kill to win both sides. As I prepare for another round of “stimulus” payments to be magically taken from my children and put into my bank account, I fear they have found it.

When God’s people gather and pray, expect the unexpected. God will enter into the situation and bring about his resolution. Some will rise in the middle of the night, others may find themselves in the company of Christ, but God will move to bless and deliver his people from the tyrannical. Let us pray.



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